Tech Tip – Exporting/Importing Google Chrome Bookmarks and Microsoft Edge

Tech Tip –  Exporting/Importing Google Chrome Bookmarks and Microsoft Edge

If you’re switching devices or need to re-install Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge from scratch but don’t want to lose your collection of bookmarks, here’s how to export and import them.

Google Chrome Export

  • From Chrome’s  "Settings and More" menu (three dots at the top right) select
  • "Bookmarks"
  • "Bookmark manager"
  • Go to the three-dot menu (at the top right of this menu) and select "Export bookmarks"
  • Save the bookmarks as a html file

Microsoft Edge Export

  • Click on Favourites (the small star with three stripes at the top right) or press CTRL + Shift + O
  • Go to the three-dot menu (at the top right of this menu) and select "Export bookmarks"
  • Save the bookmarks as a html file

Import bookmarks in Google Chrome

  • Follow the same process for export shown above, but from the menu in "Bookmark manager" select "Import bookmarks" and upload your saved html file

Import bookmarks in Microsoft Edge

  • Follow the same process for export shown above, but from the three dots menu select "Import bookmarks"
  • From the Import Browser Data menu dropdown, select "Favourites or Bookmarks HTML File" then browse to the file containing your favourites
  • upload your saved html file

Alternatively turn on Sync so you can sync all of your settings, cached passwords and bookmarks / favourites across your account to different devices by going to settings (click the three dots at the top right hand corner) and enabling the sync option in either browser.

Publish Date: Jun 17, 2021
